We listen to you and your opinion is important to us - that's what Blizzard has been saying since the beginning of the Shadowlands alpha and emphasizes in various blueposts that the team made this or that change because the community was dissatisfied. In order to avoid past mistakes and to involve the fans more in the development process of Shadowlands, Blizzard has now also started a survey about the pact system.


developers explained in a bluepost that the tuning phase of the pact class abilities is imminent


Therefore, the team wants to hear from the players their opinion on these very abilities. The poll, which you can respond to directly in the corresponding forum thread, consists of a total of three items:

  • Are there any pacts that are most useful for your class and specialization? If so, which pacts and which skills are they and why?
  • Are there any pacts that are least useful for your class and specialization? If so, which pacts and which abilities are they and why?
  • If all of the pact abilities feel useful for your specialization, what specialization are they?

If you would like to participate in the poll, simply follow the thread's provided answer scheme, name your class and specialization, and then answer the three questions.

By the way, some trends are already


Death Knights find the Night Fae Pact the most useful and the Kyrian Pact the weakest, while Warlocks prefer to join the Necrolords or Venthyr and find the Night Fae and Kyrians the weakest options.

We've compiled all the Pact class abilities for your reference:

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WoW Shadowlands: Signature and class abilities of the pacts

In WoW Shadowlands, you join one of four pacts and learn its signature ability as well as skills for your class. 04:48
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