Who was so far regularly in the WoW dungeon plague fall on the way to farm glory at the own pact, must now prepare for a potentially unpleasant change. The developers have implemented a nerf via hotfix that makes fame farming in Plaguefall significantly more difficult.

More work in Plaguefall, more glory in Torghast.

Previously, players were able to skip the first two bosses of the dungeon and advance directly to Margravine Stradama using the item Shooting Shoes

and invisibility potions. If you were looking for quick glory, you could complete a run in Plaguefall in under ten minutes and significantly speed up the advancement of your pact.

However, the WoW developers are now putting a stop to this practice: We are no longer allowed to skip the first bosses. This is stated in the official patch notes of the hotfix:

  • "You must now defeat the first three bosses of the dungeon on all difficulty levels before the door to Margravine Stradama opens. Developer Note: The first two bosses of the dungeon were regularly skipped on lower difficulties, typically by groups looking to collect fame significantly faster than intended."

You will no longer be able to fast-forward through Plaguefall to farm fame, but will now have to contend with significantly longer runs. In addition, it will now be more difficult to obtain the Slime Serpent mount, which requires you to solo the boss Margravine Stradama.

However, there is a small consolation: The developers have added a chance for glory in Torghast. So if you're doing your rounds in the Tower of the Dungeon Master, you can earn your pact there as well.


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