In the night of November 17, 2021, the developers of WoW and WoW Classic put a few hotfixes on the servers that definitely carry weight. We already reported that WoW's Doomwalker in Tanaris now drops the Mount Doom Hawk of the Illidari and the Doomwalker Trophy Socket toy with a 100% probability. So slapping the Doomwalker around once is enough for fancy cosmetics. But the hotfixes have brought even more.

"Nerf" for rogues.

There were two bug fixes with rune carving powers that certainly gave some rogue or another an advantage. First, Deadly Shadows has been problem fixed so that it will no longer remain active once the rogue has discarded the Legendary. Secondly, Invigorating Shadow Dust excessively reduced the cooldown of The Dread Blades. Both bugs are now no longer found in the game, the WoW makers promise.

WoW Classic: Season of the championship - trailer for the start of the season

Necklaces for High Mountain Tauren Ladies

One last bit of good news before we get to the bumbling patch notes: Female High Mountain Tauren can now customize their necklaces at the barber. If this is still not possible when you visit the barber, create a new character to activate the necklace customization. Below are the patch notes (here in the original).

WoW and WoW Classic - Hotfixes from 17.11. - Patch Notes

Event for the 17th anniversary

  • Doomwalker now has a 100% chance of dropping the Doomwalker trophy base toy and the Illidari mount Doom Hawk.
  • Time-shifted versions of Jorek Iron Flank and Thanthaldi's Snowglow now spawn in the Alterac Mountains near the entrances to Alterac Valley to offer Korrak's Revenge timewalking gear outside of the battleground.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Korrak's Revenge one-time quest rewards to have a lower item level.


  • The missing necklace customization feature has been added for female High Mountain Tauren. Go to the hairdresser or create a new character to get this option.


  • Fixed an issue where Deadly Shadows would remain active after the Legendary was discarded.
  • Fixed an issue where "Invigorating Shadow Dust" reduced the cooldown of "The Dread Blades" more than intended.

Dungeons and RaidsEye
of Azshara

  • Serpentrix
    • Toxic Puddle can no longer permanently stick to players.


  • Damage from the Eternal Skirmish effect can no longer be reflected.

Torghast, Tower of the DamnedAnima Powers

  • Monk
    • Fixed a tooltip issue where Unfiltered Bone Broth was not displaying the correct damage from Bone Dust Brew (Necrolord ability) and the chance to trigger its effect.

WoW Classic

  • Alliance Rogue Trainers now teach the Poisons ability if not obtained by completing "Klaven's Tower".

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