In recent weeks and months, there have been far too many examples of how poorly Blizzard's customer support for WoW Classic works. Let's just take a look at the numerous players who were banned by the developers for no reason, didn


t get any help via tickets, and ultimately had to take a detour via community platforms like Reddit to initiate manual checks by Blizzard employees - which very often led to the penalty being lifted.

Depending on the support employee you're dealing with, the reactions vary greatly. And how can it be that those affected do not get their lost ingame items refunded after a confirmed case of fraud? Some examples of these problems can be found below:

  • Unjustly banned - how broken is Blizzard's system?
  • Ban penalty for farming too long? Community puzzles
  • Sulfuras mats gone after cheating - no recovery
  • Caution. Blizzard continues to ban accounts without control

Even more concerning is a case recently posted on Reddit by a WoW player. The focus here is a bug in world bosses that can ensure that players involved in the fight are not eligible for the dropped loot. Specifically, the Reddit user's raid had dropped Ysondre a few days ago and some players could not be assigned the loot afterwards. In the ticket created later, the player explained that WoW characters who had attacked the world boss were also affected by this bug (he himself was also affected, but had only healed his teammates during the attempt).The

Game Master's response posted on Reddit ignored this fact

, however:

This would not be a bug, because players would only qualify for the loot if they had attacked the boss once.

A few days later, the raid

was able


lay another world boss, Kazzak, and the bug appeared there as well: players who had definitely caused damage to the boss could not be assigned

any loot.

A second Game Master took over the case, apparently ignoring the attached screenshots, and wrote that they had already investigated this case after all and had come to the conclusion that this was not a bug. Further tickets of this nature could be considered a violation of policies regarding interaction with customer support and could be penalized accordingly.

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If the dialogue between the affected player and the support staff really happened like that, the reaction of the Blizzard employees is not only incompetent, but even impudent in our opinion


Do we really have to expect banning penalties now if we report obvious bugs via ticket multiple times when they also appear multiple times? What do you think about the situation? Have you had any experiences with the support for WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) Classic lately? Tell us in the comments!

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