WoW: We need more eggs! How to get the bald fledder...
Already in the beta of WoW: Shadowlands different variants of the new Fledderwing mounts (model see lead image) were...
WoW: Number of subscribers has more than doubled thanks...
Last night, those responsible at Blizzard published the financial report for the fourth quarter of the 2019 fiscal year...
WoW Classic: WoW brand announced for China - western...
When those responsible at Blizzard announced WoW (buy now €14.99 ) Classic, they promised us the most authentic...
WoW: Paragon reputation and honeyback swarm -...
The reputation buff Impressive Influence is Live! This will increase reputation rewards by 100% on the Shattered Isles...
WoW: Limit goes 250 million gold in debt for the World...
The US guild Limit has already announced before the opening of the new WoW raid Ny'alotha to make even more efforts...
WoW Classic: Phase 3 has started - all info on BWL and...
Update from February 13 at 0:01 am:It has started, the third content phase of WoW Classic. All information about the...
WoW: Blizzard makes Disturbing Visions more fun to play
Players are divided over the Disturbing Visions, one of the central features of WoW Patch 8.3. Many fans are...
WoW: Onyx War Hyena was never a possible drop - mount...
If you only want to play WoW (buy now €14.99) to collect all the mounts from Battle for Azeroth, you've got a...
WoW: German patch notes of the hotfixes from March 26...
Update from March 27:In the meantime, the developers at Blizzard have published the German patch notes for the hotfixes...
Fancy WoW? Save 50 percent on your first subscription...
Are you interested in finding out what this WoW or WoW Classic is all about? Or are you a seasoned veteran of World of...
WoW: Teeming Isles - Weekly PvP Brawl starting February...
Starting Wednesday, February 19, the next PvP Brawl will begin in the current World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth...
WoW: These are the new Darkmoon card sets in...
The Darkmoon Faire takes place once a month and sees itself as a retreat for the heroes of Azeroth. No trace of death...
WoW: German Patch Notes for Hotfixes from March 6, 2020
Update from March 10:In the meantime, the developers at Blizzard have published the German patch notes for the WoW...
WoW Classic: Insane Grind - 21 of 22 Factions on...
The author of these lines is online in WoW Classic almost every day, but he hasn't been able or willing to bring too...
WoW: Nightborn as druids? They could look like this
Few classes are as limited in their choice of race as druids. On the Alliance side, only Night Elves, Kul Tirans and...