So far, WoW Classic has been under the radar of Blizzard's developers in terms of esports, but that seems to change soon. The official WoW esports account on Twitter has posted a message that hints at an event in Classic. The text of the tweet itself is not very informative: "It would definitely be cool if there would be a cool event soon," it says. "We're definitely not saying anything about a cool event. Not even this week. Oh man..." The news is garnished with the hashtag #WoWEsports. The picture published to it, however, already speaks a few volumes more. You can see a perplexed Orc with a question mark over his head in front of the loading screen of Warsong Gulch, the most famous capture-the-flag battlefield in World of Warcraft. In addition, the outlines of the WoW Classic logo can be seen. However, you can't really tell what else is written behind the orc. The words - we'll just assume there are two - start with "S" and end with "ash". Sounds like a clash, if we may be honest.

Sure would be cool if we had a cool event coming up. Definitely not gonna mention anything about a cool event. Not even this week. Oh well. ????#WoWEsports

WoW Esports (@WoWEsports) May 31, 2020

Now the question is what's going to happen - aside from whether you'd actually be interested in watching an event around Warsong Gulch. The writers at WoWHead have also noticed that the folks at Blizzard have set up an Esports page for the Chinese side of WoW (buy now €14.99 ) Classic, which tracks wargames, flag captures, and victories like losses. So it's possible that both US and European fans of WoW Classic will also be able to track these numbers. The Wargames feature, which was discovered in the game in May 2020, allows you to specifically play against other 5-man teams on Battlegrounds. When it's clear what's going on, we'll let you know, of course.

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