The mythical phase against the final boss of the current WoW raid Ny'alotha isn't particularly difficult, but here, too, the rule is: not doing it at all is still easier. It's not for nothing that the top guild Limit tried to skip this phase in the race for the World First Kill, which they later won. Blizzard put a stop to this, however, by including a mechanic that causes enormous damage to players who don't enter the secret phase. Since this damage is fatal after just a few seconds, Limit had to bite the bullet and play the mythical phase, which quickly turned out to be quite easy.

So what was completely impossible a few months ago, is now still difficult, but apparently feasible


Because the Chinese guild Scary Maze has now managed to completely ignore the mythical phase. To do this, they prioritized classes with high burst damage and then timed the fight so that, just in time for the start of the phase and the area damage that comes with ignoring it, the Mental Health of all players dropped to 0. This gave them the buff N'Zoth's Gift, which massively increased the damage they dealt. All that was left was for the boss to die within the 20 seconds, which was just fine thanks to over 3 million raid DpS. Just a few milliseconds before all players would have been taken over, N'Zoth reached the magic threshold where the battle was won.

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You can also view the logs of the entire battle here.

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