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Update, 08/01/2020: Blizzard has added another option to the visual customization options for Night Elves in WoW Shadowlands. As Wowhead reports, you can now also give male night elves a blindfold - regardless of whether they belong to the Demon Hunter class or not. So far, the blindfold is only available in gray linen, but Blizzard will probably add more colors and variants to Shadowlands.
WoW Shadowlands: Back to the roots! Optical novelties for night elves (1) Source: Wowhead Original message: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - this old adage also applies to World of Warcraft. From the very beginning, the popular MMO offered some unusual design options for budding heroes. For example, there's the jawless head for male Forsaken, which is strongly reminiscent of the Scourge undead from Warcraft 3. Or the numerous types of horns for the Tauren, which are based on various breeds of cattle from our real world. However, after the major update of character models in Warlords of Draenor, hardly any new design options for game heroes were added. This will change with WoW Shadowlands!

Those who want to make their heroes more individual will be pleased with the next WoW expansion. Blizzard is adding many new options to the hero design palette. New hair and skin colors, fresh hairstyles and lots of jewelry are just a few examples of the many possibilities that await us in the character creation in Shadowlands.

Meanwhile, WoW's dataminers (buy now €14.99 ) Head have discovered new styling options for the Night Elves. The new character customization of the Night Elves is more oriented towards the classic look of the Kaldorei from Warcraft 3. You can see not only fresh hairstyles, but also different ear lengths, new eye colors and snazzy jewelry.

See all 86 images in the gallery
Styling options for Night Elves in WoW: Shadowlands (1) [Source: WoWHead

]The leaves you can decorate your hair with in Shadowlands and the fine moon necklaces are the undisputed highlights of the new options. With them, your warriors can look just like the Night Elves on the cover of Warcraft 3's Night Elf campaign! In the gallery you can check out all the visual novelties for the Kaldorei yourself.

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