When dataminers found hundreds of entries for the animal forms of the druids in the freshly uploaded alpha build for WoW: Shadowlands, they first thought that they would be innovations for the character creation (via Wowhead) - because this is significantly upgraded by the Blizzard developers with the upcoming expansion and expanded with numerous new options.

However, community manager Linxy clarified a few hours ago in the official WoW forum that the entries are innovations for the offer of all barbers


Here are the most important findings:

  • Druids can use Shadowlands to go to the barber to make visual adjustments to the bear or cat form, regardless of the character's hair color.
  • The customization options also include the artifact skins unlocked by the player, so you'll be able to use other weapon transmog templates in the future.
  • In addition, the Barber will allow you to change the appearance of your Traveling Shapes without having to swap glyphs every time. Glyphs are then one-time usable items that unlock the associated option at the barber.

Linxy was then asked by a player if the fancy "Firecat" skin would also end up as an option at the Barber. The Blizzard employee's response: "We're looking at it to see if we can offer the Firecat as an option. Thank you for the suggestion. "

Now it's up to all Druids: Are you happy about the expanded offer at the Barber? Tell us in the comments!

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