Update from 20.08.2020: In the meantime, the affix has arrived in the WoW Shadowlands beta and we no longer have to speculate, but now know how exactly the affix Pride works. You can find all the information in this news: WoW Shadowlands: How the first season affix Pride works in detail

Original news : With the introduction of the Mythic Plus system at the launch of WoW Legion, the developers of World of Warcraft have made a real stroke of luck. The endlessly scaling dungeons enjoy unbroken popularity among players and provide random groups and well-coordinated teams with challenging content. With the current expansion Battle for Azeroth, the seasonal affixes were added, which change regularly with the patches. The developers want to keep that in Shadowlands as well. And dataminers have apparently come across the first of these seasonal affixes: Pride.

The previous Season Affixes were always thematically linked to the raid and the general content of the respective patch. And Pride seems to continue on this path, as it fits perfectly with the setting around the Venthyr and Revendreht.

  • Throughout the dungeon, you accumulate Pride by killing enemies.
  • At some point, this pride will discharge and manifest into an Add that will attack you.
  • The more pride you have accumulated by then, the more health the add has and the more damage it does (pride).
  • When it dies, the add explodes (4 second spell) and deals high damage (100 percent of maximum health) at short range, which is divided among all targets it hits (Aggressive Boast).
  • This damage hits all allies and enemies alike.

So, in practice, an add keeps appearing for you to kill, and with its demise you can theoretically damage more groups of enemies if you time it well. However, there are still a few unanswered questions:

  • How and when exactly does the add appear? Is this controllable or does it depend on other factors (time, amount of trash, etc.)?
  • Does each player collect Pride on their own and spawn an add or do you collect as a group?
  • Does the add stay put when casting so you can escape the damage at the end, or do you have to make sure you have enough enemies around you so the damage on you is less as it is split among all the targets you hit?

As you can see, there are still some things that the dataminers haven't figured out. But at least we get a first glimpse of what to expect in the Mythic-Plus dungeons.

What do you think about the new affix - good idea or boring crap?

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