A build of the Fogcaster Monk in World of Warcraft is currently causing discussion: Blizzard had strengthened the Fogcaster Monk's talent Raising Fog a while ago in order to make the playstyle of a Melee Fogcaster more attractive. However, that didn't quite work as intended. Players were able to use large amounts of speed and bonuses that reduced skill cooldowns to make Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist heal indefinitely with the help of Raising Mist.

To fix this issue, Blizzard developers announced a hotfix back in mid-April 2020, but withdrew it due to significant criticism from the WoW community. Instead, the developers announced that they would explore other possible solutions to the problem - and one such solution seems to have been found now.

Because as Wowhead reports, Blizzard is planning the following hotfix for Rising Mist for the next maintenance, which will take place in this country on April 29, 2020:

  • Rising Mist can now extend the heal-over-time effect by up to 100 percent of its original duration.

This change puts a clear limit on the duration of Rising Mist, so players can no longer create an infinite healing loop like before, as Blizzard writes:

"This change serves to prevent the infinite extension [of Rising Mist] while maintaining the effects of a meele playstyle."

But we want to know from you


What do you think of the hotfix? Are you happy with the change? Or do you think that Blizzard is missing the real problem? Write us your opinion in the comments!

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