Testers have already had enough fun on the alpha server of WoW Shadowlands. So far, only the two zones Bastion and Revendreth and a few dungeons are playable, but even these are not yet completely equipped with mobs and quests. Curious players like Asmongold are using all kinds of tricks to venture into the zones that haven't been opened yet, like Maldraxxus or the Maw, and uncover the first secrets that aren't supposed to see the light of day yet.

Another player who is eager to explore is streamer RaevenCCA


Using the Shaman skill Remote View, he ventured step by step further and further into zones that had not yet been opened and made some interesting discoveries. Among others, he discovered the Jailer and the Arbiter. The models of the two were already fished out of the game files, but in the stream he showed the community for the first time how the Jailer and the Arbiter look in the game. Of course, the environment is not finished yet.

In addition, he discovered the rune scholar. Not much could be imagined about this person yet. All we knew so far was that we would go there with our profession items collected in Torghast to forge our own Legendary. According to legend, the Rune Scholar has already crafted the legendary sword Frostmourne and the Crown of Dominance. In the game, it is actually a chained creature that we can only describe as half demon and half ... Forge.

WoW Shadowlands Alpha: The Rune Scholar

???? Los ingleses no se creen el World First, LUL - Farmeo de BoEs, Road to 5,000,000 oro - Radio CCA FM 66.6, best música by RaevenCCA at www.twitch.tv view

WoW Shadowlands Alpha: The Jailer ingame

???? VOLVEMOS A ROMPER SHADOWLANDS + Farmeo de BoEs Road to 5,000,000 oro - ¡1.5/5.0 conseguidos en el bolsillo! by RaevenCCA on www.twitch.tv viewThe

Jailer is the devil of the WoW underworld if you will. He punishes those who have fallen from grace in his lifetime, but also repeatedly feeds good-natured souls from the Arbiter and the rest of Shadowlands.

WoW Shadowlands Alpha: The Arbiter ingame

???? VOLVEMOS A ROMPER SHADOWLANDS + Farmeo de BoEs Road to 5,000,000 oro - ¡1.5/5.0 conseguidos en el bolsillo! by RaevenCCA on www.twitch.tv viewThe

Arbiter judges all souls that enter Shadowlands. He is said to be located in Oribos. Oribos is located split off in the middle of Shadowlands.

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