In WoW Shadowlands beta build 35256,'s dataminers have discovered some plain but nice transmog weapons. These are named "Newplayer" in the game files, so they will most likely be rewards from the launch areas. Wowhead assumes that the weapons are from the new Exile's Reach starting area. However, when playing through Exile's Reach, we did not receive any of the following weapons and shields, even in the newer beta build. The items could also be new starting area rewards for the respective races and classes.

In addition, a special set was found in the game files, which is linked to the end-game area The Maw. It has not yet been determined how exactly this can be obtained. In addition to a set for each armor class, special Maw two-handed swords have also been discovered in this beta build.

Table of Contents

  1. 1Newtransmog weapons and shields from Shadowlands launch areas.
  2. 2Fabric maw set
  3. 3Sound setleather
  4. 4Sound setchain
  5. 5SlundSet Plate
  6. 6Slundtwo-handed swords

New Transmog weapons and shields from the Shadowlands starting areas

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WoW Shadowlands:Transmog Weapons + Sets from the Maw and Launch Areas (1) [Source:

]Transmog collectors might be interested in the shields, gleves and one-handed maces.


latter should complete Thor's superhero set, as the maces are very similar to the shape of Mjölnir.In addition, plain one-handed swords, axes, staffs and daggers can also be found in the game files.

Maw Set Fabric

WoW Shadowlands:Transmog weapons + sets from the maw and starting areas (60) Source: WoW Shadowlands:Transmog weapons + sets from the maw and starting areas (58). Source:

Maw set leather

WoW Shadowlands:Transmog weapons + sets from the maw and starting areas (59) Source: The helmet of the set is obviously still missing, but will probably be based on the chain and plate set based on the icons in the game files.

Maw Set Chain

WoW Shadowlands:Transmog weapons + sets from the maw and starting areas (56) Source:

Maw set plate

WoW Shadowlands:Transmog weapons + sets from the maw and starting areas (57) Source:

Maw two-handed swords

Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:

The particular two-handed swords are so far the only type of weapon associated with the Maw. So far, six swords with different glow effects are known.

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