We last discussed it a month ago: Blizzard's developers apparently rely on an automated system for WoW Classic to detect violations of the user agreements and to issue corresponding bans. This is the only way to explain


Classic accounts are repeatedly banned simply because large sums of gold have changed hands - for example, due to the purchase of large quantities of Black Lotus.

Problem No. 2: Blizzard apparently does not usually respond to ticket inquiries from frustrated victims (or only with unhelpful standard answers)


You first have to stir up a lot of dust on community platforms like Reddit to get someone from the customer service department to take a closer look at the case. After all, several bans have already been lifted in this way - but that can't be the normal procedure, of course.

Unfortunately, similar reports have continued to come in over the past four weeks. Here are the two most recent cases:

  • In the course of a gold DKP run, a player was able to secure the coveted raptor mount for 5,200 gold. A short time later, the "lucky" owner of the mount was supposedly banned. The same punishment was given to a friendly player who contributed 1,000 gold to the mount. The host of the run was also punished with a 3-day ban. Source with various screenshots: Reddit
  • An account was also recently banned for having only a level 1 character that serves as a player's bank and storage. According to his own statement, he makes a lot of gold with his mage and Zul'Gurub runs. He invested about 1,000 gold in Black Lotus and some other items the day before the ban. According to the ban notice, he is said to have manipulated the game's economy by selling and buying gold, which he now denies. Source: Reddit

From our point of view, Blizzard definitely needs to question the current system and make changes to prevent such unjustified ban penalties - for example, by introducing an additional, manual control instance. Until then, you should be careful when trading if larger sums of gold are involved. Obviously, it's very easy to get an unjustified ban these days. Getting rid of it is not that easy though ..

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